Building blog with Blazor - Styling it up!
C# Blazor · Posted on 14th November 2020 · 15 minutes read
Blazor Photo by Halacious on Unsplash

In this post, it's all about styling the pages and making it look consistent. I am no UI/UX expert and therefore, will keep the initial setup simply simple. I will go through on the CSS setup for the blog which able to fluid render on any devices and how Blazor helps the rendering as well.


Blazor initial sketch The blog layout is separated in three sections which is header, content and footer. Nothing complicated here and I want it to be manageable in future to extend my requirements without having to be worried of design issues. I find it's easier to convert your view to simple UI sketch whether in a piece of blank paper/any sketching tools to get some understanding how you would like your blog to be designed. From there, it's all much easier to come up with simple HTML design. Using the design sketch above for my blog, it's now time to come with simple HTML & CSS design.

Switch to project structure, go to /Shared/MainLayout.razor:

HTML, Razor
<div class="main">    <header class="header">       <Navigation /> <!-- Razor component -->    </header>    <div class="content">       @Body <!-- Razor sytax where content is rendered -->    </div>    <footer class="footer">       <Copyrights /> <!-- Razor component -->    </footer> </div>

As you see above, all I needed four div to accomplish my simple design. If you also notice above, I have separate the content of the div into reusable Blazor Razor components. I want to ensure that the separated Blazor component will only be changed if modification is needed to comply Open-closed principle. Sounds simple? Let's see how I styled them up with CSS.

Simple CSS to setup style for your blog

Switch to project structure, go to /wwwroot/css/app.css:
/* Blog Main */ .main {    flex: 1;    position: relative;    min-height: 100vh;    display: flex;    flex-direction: column; }

/* Blog header */ .header {    background-color: #f1f1f1;    padding: 20px 0px 5px 0px;    font-weight: bold; }

/* Blog content */ .content {    max-width: 800px;    margin: auto;/* Center the content */    padding: 10px;    flex: 1; }

800px max-width seems reasonable to keep readability centralized rather than streching based on responsive design. However on mobile rendering, there is a catch here. If you have a child div that overflows, it will break the rendering and stretch fully. That's where media screen comes handy. Below shows on how you can render for mobile which lesser than 800px. In my scenario, I would like to re-render it 100% again to fit fully on mobile devices according to its device screen.

@media screen and (max-width: 799.99px) {    .content {       width: 100%;    } }

/* Blog footer */ .footer {    padding: 20px;    bottom: 0;    background-color: #f1f1f1;    text-align: center;    color: black; }

Setting up blog footer was indeed a big challenge because it sticks to the blog content when you zoom in and out. It does not render at the bottom of the page where most example out there are based on if your footer has fixed height. After searching through the internet, I came across this page by Philip Walton that demonstrates how we can achieve this with Flexbox.

Navigation for your blog

With simple Blazor basics as above, let's create a navigation with bootstrap that helps with responsive design. I've always appreciated the power of bootstrap especially with the given technologies out there to build websites, this has been a fundamental reason why devs less worry on ensuring it works on all desktop/mobile browsers. However, for most of the bootstrap functionalities, it requires Javascript to be able change state(e.g. onClick). So, do we need to restore Bootstrap Javascript to the blog? In short - No

Let's look on how we can solve DOM event changes with Razor directly. Firstly, to create a nice navigation, Navbar by Boostrap provides all the functionalities we need to render on desktop/mobile browsers which on screen changes, it will transform your navigation to . You can also refer to an example right here on GitHub.
Blazor has in-built NavLink component for navigations where it provides rich user experience to indicate which page you currently selected. It toggles an active CSS class based on the href matches using NavLinkMatch.

Next up, now that we created navigation bars, you will need to toggle the bars when page is minimized to change the DOM where you can collapse the selection. With Razor, you can do it as below:
@code {    private bool collapseNavMenu = true;    private string NavMenuCssClass => collapseNavMenu ? "collapse" : null;      private void ToggleNavMenu()    {       collapseNavMenu = !collapseNavMenu;    } }

Now that, we have base style setup. It's time to feed the layouts with contents. Remember, header, content and footer design!

Building page content

Blazor apps are built using components. A component is a self-contained chunk of user interface (UI), such as a page, dialog, or form. A component includes HTML markup and the processing logic required to inject data or respond to UI events. Components are flexible and lightweight. They can be nested, reused, and shared among projects.

Firstly, to indicate a page is routable, a directive @page added which also means when you call /home, the component below will be loaded:
@page "/home"   <your-html-markup>
Page directives is only needed when you want to indicate a page is routable. You can still decorate it with HTML markup and reuse in a another routable page without a routable page.

Next up, let's look at one example on how you can inject the current year into HTML markup element with Razor.

@page "/home"   <p>Copyrights © @currentYear Baskaran. All Rights Reserved.</p>   @code {    private string currentYear = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); }

Next up, how about passing data from parent to child component? I'm going to pass 'New Post' data from home page to post page.

Razor(Child component)
@page "/post"   <p>Title : @Title</p>   @code {    [Parameter]    public string Title { get; set; } }

Razor(Parent component)
@page "/home"   <Post Title="New Post" /> <!-- Razor component -->   <p>Copyrights © @currentYear Baskaran. All Rights Reserved.</p>   @code {    private string currentYear = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); }

Easy right? It's almost whatever you can do with Javascript, now you can do it on C#.

In closing

For UI, I have always been using Javascript to make DOM changes especially calling a function when onClick event is triggered. It's definately something different for me where I'm adapting over the usages of Razor for my pages. However, the positive side of this, it's still C# .NET which the learning curve only revolves on understanding Blazor. Furthermore, build components as small as possible and only re-rendering the components again sounds really efficient. On the CSS styling part, nothing has changed which I can still use bootstrap or native css to style up page as I can do on other technologies. Next up, let's look at how .NET 5 changes Blazor.

Copyrights © 2025 Baskaran. All Rights Reserved.

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